Monday, November 15, 2010

Pieta House

Pieta House is the Centre for the Prevention of Self Harm or Suicide. Run almost entirely on donations, it provides a free counselling and support service for people in crisis.  
Pieta House logo

Based in Lucan and Ballyfermot, they offer a holistic approach involving one-to-one counselling, on a daily basis if necessary. They seek respond to people in crisis immediately, helping them to identify reasons to live. They also work with people who self-harm (12,000 people presented in A&E in 2009 after self harming*).  They are also happy to hear from people who are worried about a friend or family member who may be at risk of suicide. For some quick, practical advice see:

Here's an interesting RTE radio interview with Joan Freeman, Chief Executive of Pieta House. Just click 'Listen Back' - the interview starts about 6 minutes in and lasts about 25 minutes. It focuses on the services offered in Pieta House, briefly discusses the rise in women over 50 seeking help at Pieta House and offers advice on how to spot warning signs. Another interesting point is that over 90% of their clients have no history of psychiatric illness - they have usually had good mental health previously. And despite young males having a higher risks of dying by suicide, males and females of all ages and backgrounds are at risk. Anyone can become suicidal. 

A shorter option is this seven minute TV3 interview with Joan from Sept. 2010. 
Please visit their website for more information:

As Pieta House is based in Dublin it is not accessible to everyone. To find counselling services closer to you, please look through my links page or contact your local HSE suicide prevention officer. 


1 comment:

  1. Pieta House do a wonderful job. I particularly like their APR advice. Ask, Persuade, Refer ... It is somewhat consoling to know that the direct approach is vital when dealing with those who have suicidal thoughts. I know there are few people who are untouched by suicide, talking about it and bringing it into the open helps those who have lost a loved one or those who are trying to support a loved who they suspect may have suicidal thoughs.
